Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Countdown

We recently completed a two year electoral process leading to the historic victory of Barack Obama. Maryka and I spent hours, glued to MSNBC, hearing the same news repeated minute by minute, waiting for something to break. Yet, the only true news that really mattered came at the end, with the election results. I remember sitting with friends at church, watching the TV, waiting for the historic moment, 3 seconds after the polls closed on the West Coast, declaring Obama the victor. From one week before the election, we saw in the corner of the television screen, how many days and minutes still remained. The countdown to the end, and then it was over.

This week, I started my historic countdown to the big event. There has been a lifetime of waiting and months of anticipation. Hospitalized in February, Dr. Ginzburg later that month. Dental clearance in March. The surgeon in March, too. The transesophaghial echocardiagram, the determining test, in April. A call from the surgeon's office, asking me to set up an appointment, prior to the call from Dr. Ginzburg himself, announcing their final decision. May brought the crucial meeting with the surgeon to set the date, July 8. June 8, the earliest day I could have the needed, preparatory blood tests. These landmarks pale in comparison to what took place Wednesday this week, the historical beginning of the symbolic, but all important, countdown days. Yes, it was Wednesday, July 1, that I took that crucial step, stopping my fish oil, and the countdown began. Tomorrow, it's the antibiotic nose gel, twice a day, culminating in my last meal (well, let's not be that grim), Tuesday, July 7 (that's because I can't eat anything after midnight) and the long trip to Cooper Hospital as the show begins.

Five days and counting.

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